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Die wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten zu unserem Reseller-Programm

Wir haben das Recht, Ihnen bei jedem Bedarf zu helfen

Reseller FAQ

Gute Frage. Klare Antwort. Wir freuen uns über Ihr Interesse!

Yes, the pricing for your end customers is entirely up to you.

Your freedoms for you at a glance:

  • Own product and tariff names
  • Your own billing to your end customers
  • Own branding of the customer portal
  • Own price calculation
  • Entry without minimum turnover
  • Short minimum contract term of four weeks

Basically, you look after your customers yourself in order to strengthen customer loyalty in this regard as well. At your request, our support team will support your customers in close cooperation with our technicians. 

You invoice your end customers yourself. We deliver the database to you via data export from the partner platform.

Thanks to the design management, you can design the end customer portal yourself and brand it according to your corporate identity.

A permanent basic fee is not charged. We also do not charge a fee for setting up PO boxes.

In particular for telecommunications companies, system houses, IT providers, mobile phone shop operators, ISPs, ISVs, web hosting companies, web designers, internet agencies. 

We do that. Should there be any challenges, our 24/7 on-call service will take care of it immediately.

  • own end customer portal URL including SSL certificate
  • own URL for the FAQ
  • Own domain under which services are provided (e-mail addresses and Share Point) including SSL certificate
  • own product and tariff names
  • Establishment of own resellers
  • Info monitors for Exchange availability measurement

You can find all information on this online presence. If you have any specific questions, please contact us. We like to help you!

Jetzt Partner werden!

Seit 1999 unterstützen wir Partner beim Vertrieb von Microsoft Cloud- und Hosting-Lösungen. Wir bieten eine umfassende Partner-Plattform und ein umfangreiches Cloud-Portfolio: Bieten Sie Ihren Kunden nicht nur das unverzichtbare Office 365, sondern auch die exklusiven Cloud Solutions des Hosted Exchange-Marktführers.

Das alles spricht für uns

Alles aus einer Hand: kompetenter Support, einzigartiges Cloud-Portfolio, Microsoft-Spezialisierung, exklusive Produkt-Features, langjährige Erfahrung, Hosted in Germany!


Mo.-Fr. von 09:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
(Feiertage ausgenommen)

Telefon: +49 (0)6051 916 44 10
E-mail: info@.itnss-ag.com
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