Preloaded CloudServer for ISVs

More efficiency for independent software vendors

We have the right web package for every need

Preloaded CloudServer for ISVs

Preloaded CloudServer from QualityHosting – this is the efficient solution for all companies that regularly have to install the same servers or want to provide their customers with their own software solutions from the cloud in the future.

Your advantages of the special ISV offer from QualityHosting AG

ITnss Hosting creates a template (image) for Cloud Server on which you can install your software. On the basis of this template, we can then provide you with any number of CloudServer images and thus offer you unique business advantages:

In 3 steps to your Cloud Server image

This is how easy it is to make sustainable time, effort and cost savings:

1. Creation of an image for a preloaded cloud server
ITnss Hosting installs a cloud server for you, on which you install and configure your software as an example. On this basis, QualityHosting creates a preloaded CloudServer image of your offer, which will serve as a template in the future.
2. Installation of any number of CloudServer images
If you now want to provide your software solution to a new customer, QualityHosting will install a corresponding cloud server based on the preloaded cloud server image. Now all you have to do is adapt the installation to the new customer. The basic installation and thus the considerable preparation effort is completely eliminated.
3. Maintenance of preloaded Cloud Server images
Should you make changes to your software, QualityHosting will provide you with a new cloud server on which you can carry out the required updates. We then create a corresponding update of your Preloades Cloud Server image on this new basis.

As a result, you will sell your software in the future with multi-client capability without the software itself fulfilling this requirement.

Jetzt CloudServer bestellen

Bei ITnss AG Hosting kaufen Sie mehr als nur ein Produkt: Sie profitieren von unserem erstklassigen Support, einem einzigartigen Cloud-Portfolio, unserer Microsoft-Spezialisierung, einzigartigen Produkt-Features und unserer langjährigen Cloud-Erfahrung. Und natürlich immer „Hosted in Germany“!

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